all postcodes in M5 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M5 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M5 5AB 0 53.48495 -2.328769
M5 5AD 0 53.484908 -2.327835
M5 5AE 0 53.48483 -2.32687
M5 5AF 0 53.484674 -2.324683
M5 5AH 0 53.484641 -2.323734
M5 5AJ 0 53.484553 -2.322814
M5 5AL 0 53.484268 -2.321349
M5 5AP 1 53.484214 -2.321771
M5 5AT 0 53.484725 -2.325633
M5 5AU 0 53.484211 -2.309565
M5 5BB 0 53.484934 -2.30083
M5 5BD 0 53.483648 -2.314986
M5 5BJ 1 53.483895 -2.316947
M5 5BL 0 53.483359 -2.31206
M5 5BN 0 53.483378 -2.311699
M5 5BU 0 53.483193 -2.310341
M5 5BW 0 53.483083 -2.311019
M5 5BX 0 53.482899 -2.309299
M5 5BY 0 53.483059 -2.309933
M5 5BZ 0 53.482242 -2.302574